Center of Origin - A geographical area where a species (domesticated or wild), first developed its distinctive properties.
Six Independent Center of Crop Origin- Mesoamerica (Southern Mexico, North Central America)
- Maize, beans, sweet potato
- Andes & South America (Peru, Chile, Brazil)
- Pineapple, groundnut, papaya
- Southeast Asia
- Mango, nutmeg, banana
- China
- Soybean, orange, apricot
- Africa
- Oil palm, coffee, watermelon
- Southwest Asia (UAE, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Israel)
- Wheat, oat, carrot
Origin & Distribution of Livestock, Poultry, Fish
- Several breeds or species of livestock, fish and poultry are reared since domestication.
- Breeders around the world develop the animals
- When men migrated, they brought animals with them and continue farming activities at new land.
- Genetic engineering and reproductive biotechnology.
Livestock & Center of Origin
- Beef Cattle Breed
- Dairy Cattle
- Goat & Sheep
- Poultry
- Fish (Aquaculture)
- A collection of genetic resources for an organism
- Worldwide collections of plant, animal & bacterial germplasm for use in breeding new organisms and conservation of existing species.
Biological Diversity (Biodiversity)
- Variability among living organisms
- Plant or animal diversity
- Terrestrial or marine
- Within species or between species
Three Aspects of Biodiversity
- Ecosytem diversity
- Different diversity in variety of habitats, topography, elevation, natural vs agroecosystem
- Species diversity
- Variety of living organisms
- Genetic diversity
- The total of all the genetic information carried by individual organisms
- Variation (diversity) of genes within a species
Genetic Resource Applications
- Agriculture production is increased through the use of improved genetic resources (new variety) created by altering the genetic constitution.
- Advantages
- Increase in yield
- Pest and disease resistance
- Ecological tolerance
- Categories of Genetic Resources
- Wild relatives
- Weedy relatives
- Primitive cultivars/landraces
- Modern cultivars
- Advanced breeding lines
- Genes from other species
Conservation of genetic resources
- Techniques
- In situ conservation (On site conservation)
- Ex situ conservation (Off site conservation)
Threat to diversity & genetic resources
- Dying species
- Domestication and use of modern varieties
- Intentional damage (Wanton)
- Natural extinctions as a result of competition and natural disasters
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